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Tipsy Talkin' Craft Beer Podcast


May 11, 2022

The Tipsiest Talk Yet

Things get a little.... out of hand. Chris and Lenny have had a little too much, and to celebrate they have more! The beers in this episode all come from Columbus, Ohio. The conversation? That all comes from our sweet, drunke...

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April 27, 2022

Summer Anticipation

It may not feel like it for some, but summer is on the way! The excitement, the nostalgia, the parties! There is just so much to look forward to. Chris and Lenny wrap up the remainder of the Port Jefferson beers while recount...

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April 6, 2022

Tales From on The Job

A new guest has entered the ring! Kris joins, well, Chris in tasting beverages brewed in Port Jefferson. This small town is located in Long Island, New York. As we try the good, the bad, and the unfortunate awful they have to...

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March 24, 2022

Pure Stoutage

Dark, silky smooth, and packed with deep flavors. Yup, it's a stout episode! We figured since we are getting back into it, we would hit a style we love. We are also pretty drunk considering this episode was recorded right aft...

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March 11, 2022

Medieval Times

Another hiatus come and gone, we are back yet again. In this episode we try some beers with medieval themes to them. Well, as medieval as I could find. It's close enough, I promise. As for the topic, this is more or less an ...

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Dec. 28, 2021

October Lost Episode - Tales From Beyond the Brew

Well, I tried to keep up with the holidays but life took over once again. But that's alright! This week we have the intended Halloween Special. Gather around the fire as Chris, Lenny, and Sab discuss some urban legends and lo...

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Dec. 10, 2021

October Lost Episode - Sweater Weather

It's been a while! Life has taken the Tipsy Talkers by storm, but we are ready to get back into the swing of things yet again. In the following weeks, there will be two Lost Episodes from October. After that, fresh new episod...

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Oct. 7, 2021

Beer Tour One

It's been ten episodes, and we haven't had a proper exploration of the intricacies of beer. Mmmm, brew. Cold bottles. Frosty brewskies. There are so many styles, so much to explore! It's basically a way to explore the world w...

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Sept. 28, 2021

Sweaty Drinkin'

Sure, we are an alcohol tasting podcast. But life has so much to offer! Like desserts, or tacos. Today we are trying neither of those delicious things. Instead we will be punishing ourselves with some hot sauces while we sip ...

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Aug. 30, 2021

Gotta Drink 'Em All!

We all have little pieces from our past that fill us with immense joy as we drink while reliving the memories. Tonight, Chris and guest/cohost Pat talk about their favorite childhood video game: Pokémon! In a tipsier episode ...

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Aug. 23, 2021

Apples And... Bees?

Chris and Lenny are back and this time they are tasting some ciders! Plus, there is a bonus drink at the end crafted by.... bees? Ah yes, the best cards against humanity card. We drink applely goodness and loose our minds, so...

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Aug. 16, 2021

A Little Bit of Lenny, a Whole Lot of Stouts

A newly recorded episode with a whole new cohost! Introducing Lenny the... shark. Yeah, that name was chosen by him. Well, at least he knows how to talk. In this episode we try a bunch of Lenny's favorite style, stouts, while...

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Aug. 8, 2021

Shanties, Beer, and Little to Fear

It's been a while but we are back! The hiatus due to school is over, and a backlogged episode is finally released. In this episode Chris' friend Jarod will play the role of cohost and he came with a game. Specifically, a role...

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March 5, 2021

Back To School

Just a quick apology, Christian incorrectly called certain well known beers ales when they are in fact lagers. That is on him. Nonetheless, everything else still stands. Carry on! While it is a late start but Christian is bac...

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Feb. 16, 2021

Mad Fun

There are some things from childhood that never stop being fun. Mad libs is one of those things, especially when there's a more mature twist on it. Today we set back, present some odd beers, and have a good time playing a tim...

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Feb. 6, 2021

Tipsy Gamin'

There's nothing better than booting up your favorite video game and grabbing a cold beer. Unless there are loot boxes. Who pays for that crap? Well, if you're counting a porter by the same name then us. It's us. Today we talk...

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Feb. 6, 2021

Oh, The Things We Miss

The world of alcohol is made up of more than just beer. Just like cider, this year was bitter sweet. We talk about the good old days of movie theaters, forlorn birthdays, and how much Maddie hates pears. Ciders featured in th...

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Feb. 6, 2021

Hello, World!

Welcome to Tipsy Talkin'! If you like booze and great conversation, you should stick around. We get acclimated, realize we are poor pourers, and tango with some laffy taffy? Yeah, beer gets weird. Beers featured in this episo...

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