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Tipsy Talkin' Craft Beer Podcast
Aug. 23, 2021

Apples And... Bees?

Chris and Lenny are back and this time they are tasting some ciders! Plus, there is a bonus drink at the end crafted by.... bees? Ah yes, the best cards against humanity card. We drink applely goodness and loose our minds, so be sure to listen through for some wack conversation. Stick around at the end for a well deserved blooper reel! I promise. It is very much worth it.  

Beers featured in this episode:  

  • Indian Ladder Farms - Cross Pollinator Cider  
  • Indian Ladder Farms - Pete's Best Cider  
  • Indian Ladder Farms - Lavender & Honey Cider  
  • Helderberg Meadworks - Sweet Feral Mead  

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Intro Song: Catwalk by NBHD Nick  
Outro Song: Earth (Light It Up) by Tilden Park, Xavy Rusan  

All music is licensed through Epidemic Sound  


Thank you for listening to tipsy talking. We talk drink and have a great time doing it. So you should have a great time to tune in. We're not professional tasters. But that doesn't stop us from trying new things. To grab a glass and relax. Good door door door Door. Door.

Door door Door. Door door. Yes. We can think got a snatch up. Boys up back. Yeah, yeah, Lenny's back.

Welcome back peoples. Thanks for having me. My fucking guy. I'm all excited about this one today. All right, you know, I am pumped up after the day I've been having. I'm extremely excited to get on this talk show. You feel good. You feel good after a ride and your convertible dude. So I just got this brand new car all pumped up about I don't want to be showboating and bragging but my God, can I feel the wind through my little Jewish curls?

We went to Buffalo Wild Wings. And then we rushed our assets over to target to get a new table for an somewhat updated setup. Oh, yeah.

Let me let's talk to the crowd about this beautiful more professional setup that you got going on now. Yeah, now we're now we're looking eye to eye. I know. It's kind of creepy. Try not to blink too much. But the issue here folks was this man decided to go to Target at 957. Amazing. Market closed at 10. So he was one of those decks that comes in at last minute to go grab something. Yeah, they were not happy with me. I got the table. He looked me in the eyes. He said here you go. Goodbye. You probably pierced your under his breath.

He was you know, I was like tapping my foot. He was just flirting with some girls before it was my turn. I think I ruined his Mojo. You kind of give them a little wink too. I think. I think I brought him down a peg. I feel really bad. I don't I have my table. I'm

happy. It's a pretty sweet little tale that you got going on the cushion. Soft is fine. Fabric is not wood folks. I gotta say no, actually, it is not wood. That's fine. I need what tipsy talking does not need wood. Oh yeah. Tipsy talking. I love that name. I gotta say, Oh, do big fan. Actually. I've been saying it to my folks the other day. Like, I'm going to be guest showing at this famous international world renowned podcast called tipsy talking. You should catch it out sometime. I hate you so much. The answer to me? You know what they said? They said fuck you. They literally said go fuck you. Welcome to tipsy talking guys. My name is Cristian. And this is laning speaking. Yep.

So about two three weeks ago now. I went up to Albany. That's where I went to college. That's where we went to college somewhere up there. And I went to Indian ladder farms and I bought us some hard ciders. For us to try wood wood. We got a little shout out along with 1/4 drink which I will explain what it is when we get up to it. But we have four beautiful ciders and tastes and I'm very excited about them. They've been sitting in my fridge for a while. So I mean, not the best thing to do but under circumstances they're the age a little bit so now maybe they'll taste more

vinegar but we'll see what happens but who knows maybe they'll surprise us can be a little bit sweeter like a nicer time Chris Cuomo.

No, Cuomo. Oh my god, that news lately man. That's some crazy news.

Dude, let's not get into politics. The folks here aren't there for politics, but Jesus Christ go fuck them in.

They're here for Oh my god. They're here for beer. They're here for beer and cider today. So let's get started with the first one. What do you say? I like the packaging. If you see what I'm gonna start out fresh. It's a nice little bright pink that just pops to the eye. It's bright pink it has it has another apple branch on there with some apples hanging off. So our first cider today is called cross pollinated from Indian ladder farms. It's 6.8% ABV. And I'm going to read the little blurb that it has before you do that. Can

you talk to the people about like the picturesque landscape that they got depicted on this kin? There's no landscape. What are you talking about? It's a it's an apple branch apples. That's a nice beautiful Apple branch landscaping see

how quickly see how quickly he takes back what he says. All right, I'm gonna read it. It says at any Atlanta farms crab apples are planted throughout orchids, or good orchards or chips were kicked out and I'm the foreigner here so I should not be pronouncing anything for you. crab apples are planted throughout the orchards to enable the cross pollination process necessary to prepare Lou Reed slow for the folks I'm gonna Yeah, crap up to today. Shut the fuck up. At Indian ladder farms crab apples have planted throughout the orchards to enable the cross pollination process necessary to produce an apple crop different Apple varieties Bloom at different times. So crab Apple varieties are chosen to bloom at the same time as the apple blossoms in the orchard in which they are planted. This blend which we call the cross pollinator combines hard cider from apples in an individual orchard block with the fermented juice from the fruit of the very same crab apple trees planted in that block for cross pollination. crab apples are extremely sour due to their high malic acid content. Oh, we know about that stuff. Yeah, blending crab apple cider with our traditional apple cider gives a cross pollinator, it's a lovely tartness. The cross pollinated pills. I'm not doing well today.

That's all right. I'm here to guide you and coach you through this. these tough times, I would say somewhat around this description of this product.

The cross pollinated pills. Oh my god. The cross pollinated pairs well with strong cheese and cured meats. Damn, that was a toughy. What happened? Where's our vibe today?

Oh, it's planted a little bit.

You know, it's kind of cool about apples. What's cool about apples? Did you know like the apple trees? I'm sorry, I'm gonna nerd out for a second. But like, they don't start bearing fruit like an apple. An apple tree doesn't start bearing fruit for like, eight to 10 years after it's planted, which is? I don't know, I find that kind of amazing.

It's almost like you're looking at Google or something wild. Now I'm just a bundle of Apple facts. Oh, yeah. You're just you just have all kinds of little apple facts in the brain. Yours. Yeah, pretty much. Did

you also know that it takes like 36 apples to create one gallon of apple cider? 36 apples. 36 apples. That's a lot of apples. How about them apples?

I can't stand using. Alright, so it looks like a white wine. That light yellowish color.

This man gave me an extra long pour. That was not needed. But that's okay.

Oh, no. We're finishing these cans. They're getting done to go with that. We smell there. But vinegar, vinegar, vinegar.

It's definitely like a wine type of smell. Or wine ish. Apple cider is smell.

So I don't know much about ciders. I know a lot more about beer. I know more about the smells the notes of beers. It does smell very tart.

That was extremely tart. Oh, all right. What's the first thing that it hits you with?

No. So so we have crab apples in my yard. And when I was a kid, I did plop one of those in my mouth. really shouldn't have. And that's what it tastes like, doesn't it? No. That's the point though. So what they were trying to do was trying to because like they said in the description at their orchard they tried to cross pollinate the crab apples with the apples. They get a certain flavor profile. And honestly, I could taste normal beautiful apple and you also get the tartness of of the crab apples. Yeah,

they must the scientists at this. Is it called no it's not a vineyard. So what would you call?

An apple yard is called an orchard Lenny's an apple, Lennie, apple orchard and Apple Lennie apple. me. Oh my god, I am really off my rocker today. I think it's the heat and he can you get us back on track.

I'm trying as best as I can. But this site is extremely tart

note I find about ciders. They all have that if you take us them a little bit. They all have that smell of that lingering smell of rotten fruit towards the end. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's like, like it's fermenting. Well, yes, actually, I guess there's no other way to put it. But it does smell like that whole fermentation process. Like you could smell it's not decay, because decay is a whole different.

You could smell the love that was put into this into this cider. You know, what's my issue with this? What? It's, it tastes like a sour patch.

Without the loving end a Sour Patch Kid. Yeah, it's all the sour without the nice. Literally.

You know how it says sour? Sweet gone. It just sour. So you don't like it? That I say that? Did I say that? I don't know. I gotta see because this is I'll be honest with you. This is probably my second time ever having a cider my entire Oh, really? So this is kind of novel, not sort of novel experience for me, especially from Hill farms. I don't know what's wrong with us today. The heat and the wings, I think and also the poor that you gave me. It's very hot out today.

It was it was one of the hottest days so far. And the wings did not help. I'm pretty full of chicken at the moment.

Yeah. And we got a special guest Tommy the turtle over here. Oh, is that what that sound is? I thought it was you shaking the table now it's Tommy to turn like a grand old time.

Yeah, so as everyone probably knows already, I don't have a studio as has been stated. This is all done in a room where my tortoise is currently located. And tortoises are not the smartest Individuals the man just keeps tapping on the glass like Celine Dion trying to sing us a tune like Celine Dion trying to sing us a tune.

Yeah, I said that I isn't that a beautiful turtle? I see. I see the image. I'm confused. Celine turtle Dion. So this man is about to chuck a turtle down a down a ledge called Pete on him. No, don't do that. Don't call PETA on me. All I did was move the tortoise, man literally chucked it.

Yeah, you know what? I just took him when I just needed him out the window. His name is Shelly. I know very original is short for Sheldon. He has escaped before.

I thought it was like Shelley like shredder from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But no, that's how does that how does that how does that correlate? they both start with sh. Shelley's Shredder. Yo, no, tell me I'm wrong. You're wrong. You're wrong. It doesn't make any sense. All right, real quick, back to the site for a second. It definitely tastes like it's been sitting in a fridge for a while. You think so? 110%. That's the reason why

that's how it is. You know, I think it's a high malic acid content. It's very acidic. tart. It has definitely like, you know, like that sour powder teeth. From like candy from like a sour patch. It's a sour patch, but at the love. I kind of like it. I think it's good. I think it can use more fruit flavor. It doesn't have a lot of that. It's hard to describe, but its profile is essentially pure sour. What's about the aftertaste?

What do you what do you get an after that? bitter, bitter. It's very bitter. You think so? Yeah, I do. I agree as well. You're heating up, man. I'm sweating a little bit. They see this studio apartment that you got going on without any heat. And the good old folks Manhattan. Peace out to my burrow burrow nights over there. It is hot. I am not having a good time right now. So

we're in a studio apartment now. We have to try to get through it. We have to try to power through things. Like he told me before, think about the Arctic. Think about Antarctica.

Um, I'm trying my best but the Arctic is slowly melting thanks to our climate.

You know, I read an interesting article the other day that said, by 2030 there's gonna be no more ice in the Arctic. And all the permafrost is going to melt. And there's gonna be methane bombs coming out from under the ground.

So what you pretty much Tommy is I don't have to worry about the Delta variant. I'm gonna be fucked either way.

Yeah. So basically what the scientists are saying is that the human race is going to go extinct by like, 20 5050. I'll be long dead by then. Yeah, my kids will might turn 15 by that point.

Kids. Oh, my God. That's a crazy subject. You know how many people are getting married right now? Like out of my friend group. So we're up. I'm in my early 20s right now. 25 ish. Give or take? Okay, on a good day. Okay. And it's like everybody just skip the middle step. First, you date. Then you move in together? Then you get married. These guys aren't even doing the whole dating scene. They're just strictly popping down on a knee saying I love you for the rest of my life. I only want you for the rest of my life. It's a scary fucking thing.

So what's funny is Maddie. She has several friends that already have like three year olds.

That's fucking insane to me. For the men out there for the love of god don't be silly protect your Willy we're a fucking rubber it doesn't

hurt. We sound so great. I just want to point this out let need a shark. His whole personality is composed of fiction. I'm not gonna tell you which parts are fiction, but just be aware of that when you listen to him talk.

Fucking it's like Johnny Bravo mixed in with Courage the Cowardly Dog Johnny Bravo. I like the boomerang references I miss boomerang. That was a good freakin show. That was good. I missed Batman Beyond Batman Beyond

Oh my. So I just started watching on HBO max for the folks out there that I've been listening. Harley Quinn, the TV show. When Zell has got it fucking going on Miss Quinn Zell. She's got such a comedy act. I absolutely love it for an animated show. It is fucking amazing. It tells the premise. Pretty much the premise is a Harley Quinn one of the major sidekicks to the DC universe for the Joker decided to become a main character and like become her own villain. Or should I say supervillain and she gets a crew. They go on misadventures. It's a whole friggin comedy act because to be honest with you, I'm not used to come like animated shows. Dropping the F bomb so fast into a friggin conversation. Like woman, like, Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Harley Fuck you. It's like, I just find it absolutely entertaining. Yeah, no, I

love animated shows. So like, my whole life, up until this point, even as I get Older just animation is just something incredible to me like that is people drawing images and turning it into moving pictures that tell a story. There are some really good shows out there, that since they're animated, they can't really be broadcasted anywhere else. But on channels like pretty much made for kids right. Now we have the streaming services so they could go a little bit crazy with it. Do you remember regular show from Cartoon Network? Yeah, remember that regulation. So the creators made a new TV show, I forget what it's called. It's like called family now. It's called something family matters. I don't think it's family matters. That's a tricky, that's a different show. Family show though, for the family folks out there. But anyways, it's about these two young people a little bit older than us who have a kid and just get into these, like, remember how trippy regular show was? Yeah, they get into these Miss distribute misadventures. And it's, it's vulgar. It's funny. And it's an insane style as regular show. So you have this weirdness Dodger where it's like, you expect it to be this kid show, but it's not. You're having a tough time.

I'm sorry. But this cider is extremely hard to swallow. If you don't like the top one. I am not a fan of hard cider. You're almost there. I'm trying my best yet. You know, it's kind of crazy to what have you ever watched the show Rick and Morty? I have watched the first four seasons. No, the first three first three. Dude, it's a fucking trippy, amazing show.

The only problem with that show. What's your issue with it? I don't like the fan base. I don't like the fans. What's wrong with Oh, you because you got me? No, not you. You're fine. I'm talking about the fans. You know, like how every show has like, Yeah, I like that. And then there's the people that are like, how dare you say this about this character? and all that. What do you mean? Like there are some people just take it way too seriously?

Oh, yeah. I'm not like ride or die, motherfucker. Rick and Morty type of guy What? I'm a big fan of I'll sit down on the couch. If it's on, I'll gladly watch aren't gonna flip through the channels. You know, it's kind of cool to what? I'm sorry. I'm going back to the DC Marvel shit. No, that's fine minutes. Let's keep on going with this TV show because I like it. Have you seen the show Young Justice? Oh my god, speaking about forgetting Young Justice for a moment. Then. 10 Do you remember Ben 10 are the original bands and the original band. It was so good. I fucking they could have done so many things with that shit. You know, they made a movie out of it to like a realistic non animated movie.

They made a couple of them made a couple of them. of them. Did they all suck? Yeah, the live action ones suck. So actually, Benton was a big part of my childhood. So the original series was on when I was a kid. And that was when he was 10 years old. You know, Ben 10? Yeah. 10 years old. 10. aliens. Then they may talk that was the reason why they call the band 10 was because he was had tiny aliens. Yeah, that was 10 years old. That is why but he was also 10 years old. Oh, but then they made a sequel. So that show ended betternet Yeah. And then they brought it back like a couple years later. And they were like, So guys, come back. And he was like, 15 I like that one too. And it was good. And then they ended that. And they brought back another one where he was like, he was like 17 and went on and then ended and then the last one that came out. He's like, 19 he's going on to adventures. At the end I'm going to spoil I mean, I doubt anybody's gonna watch because you have to watch like, several 100 episodes. But at the end of it, the end of the series. He's the ultimate hero. He rebuilds the whole universe because it gets destroyed, he finds an alien that could rebuild the universe. And that's how the show ends. He rebuilds the universe, and it starts all over again. Crazy. Crazy. And can I wash it? Or Where can the fans watch this guy? I'm not gonna mention my methods for watching shows. Oh, you're one of those pricks that we're not going to talk? Fine. Fine. But no, you could probably find it on some streaming service but really great how they just for several seasons. They just kept it going.

Did you watch the new Suicide Squad? Not yet. It was pretty fucking good. I was actually shocked I thought they were gonna hit shit the fucking bed with it. But they everybody did because all the DC movies have been really bad lately. Remember? Fucking Aquaman

Aquaman Oh, it started off so good. Right. And then I had such high hopes for and then the female lead ate a rose. And I was so confused. She just popped it in her mouth. And that was just I didn't know what to do with that. It's like there's just some characters that were just you just got to kill off. Yeah, I know what I know what I do know what to do with though. What? This next cider. I'm gonna drink it. That's what I'm gonna do.

That was a bad bad segway. Was it bad? Yeah. All right, so I'm gonna apologize on his behalf for that. So we're gonna try the next one. This is Pete's best


fur also from Indian ladder farms. There's I have a little thing to read here. Pete's best is a blend of cider from Indian ladders finest apples and fermented with our breweries ale yeast pours hazy with a big full bodied mouthfeel and little to no tartness or dryness contains no added sugar. You hear that? Little to no tartness little to melt. I'll be the judge of that. Because after the talk that I had, ready for this that's for all you folks. That's like, you know what that sounds like to me. What it reminds me of what it reminds me of, you know, like when you get the new a new phone or a new iPhone and you get like the little screen. Mm hmm. And you just have to pull off the paper. It's friggin amazing. I just, it's satisfying. It's a satisfying that little plastic that Yeah, it's a satisfying feeling and sound. Alright, let's, again, it's another white wine looking drink. It's they're all going to be like that. That's how Apple Cider is a little clearer than the one before that. You think so? That's good. Definitely. I'm not really too into the distinguishing factors a cider so this one doesn't have as strong as it doesn't have that fermentation smell. Yeah, that rotten fruit smell. Yeah, it smells like flowers and apples and wild flowers. That was literally the mix. I was gonna say, Oh my God. And you know what? It's made with ale yeast. You can kind of pick that out. It's this smells kind of beer ish.

After microbiology. I've kind of had enough of fucking East yeast. I've had enough. It's everywhere. This is in fact everywhere. It is everywhere. But these motherfuckers I swear, they make shit delicious.

Yeast or use them a lot of different things. Alcohol, or alcohol or

some other alcohols. But I don't know. I'm excited for this one because it doesn't smell as tight as it was before. And dude, go hang out with your boy Shelly you. I think you have to check him one more time. He's he's being really noisy today. I think you have to chuck Celli down. Uh, well. This man fucking buried a turtle. You went like night night, motherfucker.

I just had to put him back into his den. He's being really noisy and obnoxious back into his dungeon. I'm just trying to record my show. And I'm sweating. I don't have time for a noisy tour. It is. Dude,

I shouldn't have worn long pants. I don't know what I was thinking. Oh, I changed. I changed into shorts. Yeah, you were a smart smart individual for this one. Can't wait for that shower, huh? Dude, I'm super excited. Especially right now because these fucking wings went through me like a motherfucker. Oh, wow. That was that's good. You took a sip what I'm eating go Ching. Chai sighs

I saw you take a sip fare. And while I was dealing with my tortoise, I thought I could be a little slick. But I guess not you we're not slick. It's very sweet.

I feel like we're going from one extreme to another. I don't understand. Is it too sweet for you? It's too sweet for me. I don't understand what's going on first word tart. Generally sweet. I think it's like golden apples like, yeah, like the golden golden apple. Yeah. I've always been a red kind of Apple guy.

It's made from the finest apples. It says I get I mean, it's just full blown apple. I taste that. Definitely. I'm just shocked. It is very different from the last one. It's not as tart. It's it's full, fully sweet candy. Like, it is a different experience. But you still get that aplly taste throughout. There's not much. There's not much in the back.

You know, it's kind of crazy to there's no aftertaste. No, this whole apple. I don't know why. I think maybe it's because I've been watching too much Harley Quinn lately. Oh, God should have been just thinking of different ways to kill people with apples. What? Yeah, you heard me? Hold on a second. Are you sure that was in the past? 10 minute kind of thing. I was like, hold on a minute. Did you know that if you crushed I'm sorry. I'm gonna go back with Apple facts. No, go ahead. Did you know that if you crushed between 150 and several 1000 apple seeds, you could make cyanide? How wild is but you can't tell people how to make cyanide on public air. So it's just like the compound of Macmillan. I'm sorry, I'm going way too sciency for that folks again, and you called me again. So we're gonna have to try that again. You have to bleep me out one more time for the folks. I'm just gonna bleep it out. I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna change it. Not that I want to. I just want to like make it perfectly clear to individuals. I love people. I'm a people person. I am not killing anyone I just wanted I just found the funniest shit that you could make cyanide out of a couple 1000 explain the science thing that you mentioned, because I don't even know what you just said. So there's a compound called the Macmillan. Okay. It has somewhat somewhat not exactly but somewhat of the same properties of cyanide. Okay, use the right way is the right way. So if you crush enough of these apples, you can make your own very own one of a kind cyanide. Okay, which for most of the folks that know, cyanide was used back in the Cold War era as well as still now nowadays as a poison tool to murder people. Try not to choke on them apples. Oh my god, I almost died. I almost died on my cider That was close. Try not to choke on Apples I saw the light. I saw a couple godly apples. Lenny's eaten up. I am like, pouring like a frickin fire hydrant that's been released in a Brooklyn Brooklyn fun zone. Well, after this we'll take we'll take like a five minute breather, five minute breather. I need to like get towel down sprayed by the fucking coach and put me back in for round three. This is insane. Well, we can do that. You know, Lucky winter's coming. I cannot wait for this winter again. This. This cider is literally putting me in the mood for Halloween. Are you doing anything special for Halloween? are the folks doing anything special for I don't know. It sounds like you're dressing up as Harley Quinn for dude, give me a nice little set of bras and I probably am going to dress up as Harley Quinn actually speaking of October and Harley Quinn, I am going to Comic Con. Holy cow. So are you gonna have tipsy talk in the podcast sitting down at one of the tables for signing autographs?

We're not that famous. We're not famous at all. Actually, I'm pretty sure we only have like seven downloads an episode, but you know, well, hopefully I'll sign it for my I'll sign an autograph for myself.

That was the lamest thing I've ever heard someone ever say on a podcast. I'll

sign it. I know it. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna set up a booth. Yeah, I'm gonna put the tipsy talking and everything. I'm gonna have some friends come with me. I'm going to have them line up at the booth to get autographs so that all the other people will be will be like, Look, they must be famous. So then they'll just come and get an autograph. from someone they don't even know.

That's fucking genius. But I gotta say one real quick trick question for you. Are you ready for this? One? Trick question for me. That's gonna put you on the spot. Laurie put me in as well. Are you gonna have at that table? Me or Maddie? You all my goodness, folks, you heard it here. First, the guest appearance may make an official appearance at Comic Con. I

mean, this episodes of wildfire it's it's slowly reaching critical mass

critical mass and speaking. There's something wrong with us. You know what I think it is, folks. And I apologize. You

wanted to talk about TV shows this episode. We did a little bit. But we've been jumping from topic to topic and a heated stupor. Why?

Why it's a heated stupor. 30 wings down the drain. Plus a room that's around 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Now my

heat rises right at the top of the building. Dude, I can't have the AC running. Because then all we're going to hear during the episode is

let me tell you something. If you ever get a four by four apartment in Manhattan for about $2,000 a month in rent, you're being fucking grabbed. Try around Staten Island, Brooklyn.

Yeah, for $1,800 a month, at least they'll be six by six instead of four by four. priorities. We're talking six feet by six feet or six inches? Six inches at six feet by six. No, I'm pretty sure these places are inches. They're pretty small. They're really small. It's all right. Listen, the way I see it, you got lucky with this little dream Board of an apartment that

I really, really really liked that we're calling it an apartment just to keep that animosity. Alright, but I'm aware it's no No, no, you don't have to tell. You don't have to say what it is. That's a box

folks. It's a box that has a window. It's just really funny to me. I just want to reiterate, it has one window and it has and somewhat of a kitchen. It's a kitchen mixed in with a laundry mat, which is fucking wild. You

know what, let's besides that this dream that you're putting into my mind, I'm going to I'm going to pretend that what you're saying is real because it makes me happy.

This man is excited for a six by six apartment to come into fruition. Yeah, I mean, apparently we're already there. So well, either way. Let me the reality is folks, and I hate to crush the stream. We are in Manhattan, but we're in a fucking box. So and if the folks who are there are being kind and generous folks, I don't know how it works on these podcasts but if you want to donate gladly donate for this man. See it's funny that you keep saying we're in Manhattan because this is the eighth episode and I've already said I definitely think that he is getting I see Times Square right next to us. Oh yeah, Times Square that's a real Liberty

I wasn't aware of Times Square has had a couple of leaves on it and bark growing out of it.

What can I say they're trying to tidy up and make it more environmentally friendly.

Alright, folks, I think just because of the eat we're going to take a little break and we're gonna get right back to it. Just give us like five seconds.

This is one of those episodes where folks I hope to God that you don't lose faith in us because I'm going to try my best we're powering through as the night goes on. Yeah,

you have to understand like we said before, it's a million degrees in here. Apparently Lenny has to take a poop beyond Wow.

Well we leave that no loan. No, no does not need to know this. It's Okay, you'd be surprised. What do you call your fans or followers or what are they like tipsy talkers, the tipsy talkers of the world? Yeah, the tipsy tipsy talkers of the world. We're fucking dying. Are we the tipsy talkers and they're the tipsy listeners. Holy cow. Let's think about this for a real quick moment. Can we call them the Avenger Knights? The Avenger Knights? Yeah, it's like the Avengers but Knights have mentioned. That's our follower names. We love the Avenger Knights. I gave him fucking Oh no, we're not sticking with the Avenger Knights. Alright, back to tipsy talkers. Oh my god, you're really off your rocker man. It's just one of those days. I think it's the heat starting to get to me. Did someone slip something into your drink at Buffalo Wild Wings? I definitely think that one waitress was trying to bring me into the bathroom and just kidnapped me. I think she I think she was two. She had a crazy looking load on that girl that was following us before it was a little scary. They were they were cars. Yeah, they were trying something. Oh, yeah, we got we got into a little a little speed match. It wasn't even a speed match. They were trying to get our attention. We're lobbying. We're lobbying citizens and we were not speeding. We were not speeding. We are law abiding citizens unless we're in a school zone which we will go on 50 called the pop up. Oh, my God. All right, you know, we're gonna go to the next cider. Yeah, folks, we're I apologize again, but we are going to power through this for you because we love our Avenger nights.

I hate you so much. Alright, so our next cider is called lavender and honey. Also by Indian ladder farms. Our lavender and honey starter story begins in the orchard as spring apple blossoms are blooming at Indian ladder farms. When honey bees hard at work pollinating the flowers, honey bees ever see the Bee Movie shot? Stop. With honeybees hard at work pollinating the flowers or bringing pollen back to their hive to turn into honey. English lavender plants were awakening from winter slumber they must have said be a million times during them and I LFC bees beard garden bring together the fruits of these agricultural processes, early season apples fresh lavender and raw honey. And the result is a hard cider that is bright and Napoli bright and Apple is Apple your word. I just want to make sure with delicate floral notes and a touch of sweetness, lavender and honey pairs nicely with fresh baked goods, poultry and hard cheeses. They really like their hard cheeses.

You know, I want to shout out the Indian ladder farms right now because they also have a job listing opportunity for any of our tipsy talkers, tipsy listeners, Avenger knights, whatever you guys want to call each other. They have a great opportunity starting at the end of August go into early November. If any of you are interested. Are you promoting Indian ladder farms right now? Just for the folks out there? They're a small place then you don't you don't even like their ciders? That's true. But they said be a million times and I am a big fan of the B movie. No your cider. Smell that. You can really taste the honey on this one. And smell them. You can smell the honey. Yeah, you can smell the honey but dude, forget

the handle and forget the honey the lavender. It's right there. Now, I chose lavender honey. It's exactly what it when it goes up. It's even lighter than last one.

You know, it's kind of wild. So back at our alma mater, we had to do an experiment with being beetles. Oh yeah. Wild. Yeah, absolutely wild. So we have to spray these fucking beans that these bean beetles are attracted to with lavender and see if they were attracted to it. I have no idea why we were fucking bullying these poor little beetles. But I sure as hell know for a fact those poor fucking things for the rest of their lives. The only thing they'll ever taste smell and hear is lavender. That's what I'm doing right now. And I have to say this smell is overpowering. No, I think it smells great. I know. But I think you're just not a cider guy. Do you think? Is that what it is? I'm just not used to so it's so floral.

It's it's a lavender. It's it lavender has a sweet Mel but it's also savory at the same time. You don't like the taste?

Wow. Let me let me say exactly as you smell it and taste it. There's no difference. Oh, wow. You know what I mean? You know, like when you smell something and then you taste it. It might be slightly different than what you expected.

So the smell is a lot sweeter than the taste. The taste is very savory. It tastes like Sage you know Sage like we cook with Sage all the time. Yeah, that's rare. It does taste like Sage a little bit. It savory like sage. You can taste the honey. It's there. It's more of a back. It's more in the back of the taste. You know what I mean? Like it's in the background, not the foreground.

I like it because this is like the type of style you like this one. I like this one. The only reason why is if I was ever Sick. This would be the cider that I use. It has

a little bit of that fermented apple. Yeah, you know what it tastes like a good tea. It is right? Yeah. You know what I'm like? It tastes like something a little a little witch and a little cabin would concoct the cure or so like, you know what? I'm like pb&j right now. Yeah, I understand what you're putting on that tuna salad. What? Oh,

do you can't be given two sayings. What's wrong with you there? I gave you a pb&j. You gave me a tuna salad. What is this? A fucking bed lunch from recess special. I'm in a tank top and I'm still soaked. Okay, I'm having a tough time. Dude. I'm wearing a black friggin heavy s t shirt and black long jeans and black long jeans. Alicia not wearing shorts. At least I'm not wearing shorts for all our fucking rock band fanatics out there. Check out jigsaw youth one of the great Staten Island bands out there. Who's that? Who? Who's that one of the greatest bands that of all time? We're wearing the shirt right now. I feel like you're promoting one of your friends. I am promoting one of my friends. Pretty great band

haven't listened not even gonna try to false promote and having listened. I'm sure they're great. Can you give me a little hint who it is?

I can't give you any hints on who it is. All I can say is the band is rocking. When the boots come knocking.

It's the blockhead but is he great? Does he break a few stuff on stage? That's definitely in his personality.

Dude, you know, it's one thing I always wanted to do what was being a fucking rock band like a crazy crazy fucking rock band and just smash one guitar. I always wanted the band. Man even a band. I just want to be like one of the groupies that smashes the fucking lead guitarist guitar and then gets kicked out. That's all I ever wanted. Rich and Famous type of ship fact that I just want to crack the motherfuckers can talk Do you want to go to an axe throwing bar in the city? They give you alcohol and they give you an axe. We can definitely do a podcast story on that one. Yeah, you want to do that? Come and talk about it. Yes. If you're willing to have me again after this friggin experience and a half I will claim today I don't know man, you might have ruined your chances forever. Really saying I'm not gonna be invited at that Comic Con table. Anyone?

Do that Comic Con tables about a brackin? All the views. Okay, I have a solid plan. I'm telling you. It's solid.

So what do you usually do at Comic Con? Because I feel like you're the expert here. Like what do you usually go there for? I've never been you've never been No, I've always a giant Marvel nerd. You have never been to Comic Con. This little geek has never been to the blessing. Though Comic Con. I feel like that's like heaven for like that's like the mecca of nerds. That nerd. I don't want to say nerds because I'm a big Marvel fan. Dude, I wear glasses. I'm a nerd, Lennie. Look me in the eyes. You're a nerd who can talk? I'm a nerd that can talk. Listen, I wear my glasses loud and proud. And I have to say I love my science. So I guess Yeah, fuck yeah, I am with one with the nerds.

So basically, while New York commies call me a nerd that can talk.

Yeah. New York Comic Con is different than San Francisco Comic Con. So San Francisco or no San Diego Comic Con. I think a San Diego Comic Con. That's like the biggest Comic Con. They do like trailer reveals special viewings for new movies, everything when you go to that one, why are you going to do one because they cancel it? Because Damn, this one though, New York Comic Con is a bunch of like booths where you could buy stuff, some famous people come you get autographs. We're gonna set up our table and just trick people into watching our show.

I might come to Comic Con two folks. If Well, are you allowed to do like a comment section on the podcast or no? Is there a comment section? I hope so. No, but our email so my email is always open for people who want to send suggestion if they want to send out a suggestion for Lenny's costume of the day for Comic Con. And also Halloween. I will gladly take it and the top winner will have a picture sent to them of Lenny in a flirtatious outfit. Lenny we don't have that many viewers. No one's going to do this. are seven viewers out there? God bless you seven.

All right. Well, tipsy talking will be at Comic Con. I'm going to be at Comic Con. We are going to be at Comic hopefully, hopefully. What do you mean hopefully? Well, you know, depends on the circumstances that will not be discussed

here. Fair enough. This man just doesn't love me enough to be on the Comic Con special. And that's not true at all. So okay, I think it's time for a final one. You think Shall I hear shall you over there in the background shopping on some mean fucking lettuce? I think he's having the best time out of all.

Yeah, Shelley's Shelley's chomping away. This is the first time Shelley is really acted up during an episode. I don't know. I don't think he likes you. Oh, the lavender really hit that one. The lavender slaps. I like it. That's great. Did you hear that satisfying chapter I did actually that one came through. So here's our little surprise, my little surprise. So this last one is in a cider but I'm in Producing one of my favorite drinks of all time. I'm starting to think this might not be the episode. I should have done this because I really liked this episode.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai